Our team of board certified child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists provide evidence-based individual, group, family, and multi-family therapies to children and adolescents struggling with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, trauma-related disorders, and other mental health needs.

Programs and Services Ages Location
Individual, Family, and Group Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Ages 5-21 Outpatient Clinic
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Ages 13-18 Outpatient Clinic
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Ages 5-21 Outpatient Clinic
MATCH-ADTC Ages 6-15 Outpatient Clinic
Group Therapy Ages vary Outpatient Clinic
Psychiatry All Ages Outpatient Clinic
 Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Ages vary Outpatient Clinic
In-Home Programs
Child First Ages birth – 5; prenatal mothers In-Home Service
Day Programs
Extended Day Treatment Ages 5-12 100 East Avenue, Norwalk; Bldg. #2
Intensive Outpatient Program Ages 12-16 100 East Avenue, Norwalk; Bldg. #2
Community Based Programs
System of Care Ages birth-18 Community-, home- and clinic-based settings
Victims Assistance Program Ages birth-18 Community-, home-, and clinic-based settings
Early Childhood Consultation Partnership Ages birth-5 Preschools and daycare settings
School Based Programs
Bounce Back Grades K-5 Norwalk Elementary Schools
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in School Grades 6-12 Norwalk Middle and High Schools
Latinx Integrated Care (LINC) Program Grades K-12 Norwalk Public Schools
Enrichment Programs
Enrichment Programs Ages 5-17 Community Locations
Trauma Informed Care Training and Consultation
Trauma Informed Care Training and Consultation School Staff Norwalk Public Schools